The annual event for Week of Prayer for World Peace (WPWP) was held at Wycombe Meeting House on Sunday 14th October.
Over 80 people squeezed into the Meeting Room at High Wycombe with more standing outside to hear the Bahaí choir who started the event. Friends offered their own insights about what it means to be Quaker. We also heard contributions from the Christian, Brahma Kumari, Chinese Buddhists, Muslim and Hindu faiths.
This year as a result of increased sales of the WPWP Leaflets and donations it was possible to give three Peace Awards. They were awarded, firstly, to a Catholic nun for her lifetime of work for peace and harmonious interfaith relations; secondly, to John Morris, a Quaker founder of the political Peace Party; and thirdly a Palestinian, Issa Souf, who lived on the West Bank and was wounded by Israeli soldiers. He now works for reconciliation.
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