Quakers have long supported peace building and peace builders internationally. In East Africa we support peace builders to change the core conditions that lead to violent conflict. We implement the Ecumenical Accompaniment Programme in Palestine and Israel.
Quakers are campaigning for equality through three specific areas of social justice in Britain: migrant and refugee rights, housing conditions, and a more compassionate criminal justice system.
Quaker faith is an active one. We offer a diverse range of workshops, courses and resources for Quakers and others working for nonviolent social change.
Quakers want an economic system that has equality, justice and environmental sustainability at its heart.
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In 2011 Quakers in Britain made a commitment to become a low-carbon, sustainable community. We support local action to live out this commitment, and we campaign for energy justice and action on climate change.
We support Quakers to live out their deep commitment to peace. This includes promoting peace education, challenging militarism, campaigning against war and for disarmament, and supporting the peace movement in Britain
Grant-making is an important area of turning our faith into action. Through grants we support groups and individuals in work and development around our values.